07:48, 16.11.2003

One of the things I really enjoyed in primary (grade) school English class was being shown a picture and having to write about it - what I thought was happening, what the people might be thinking, expressed as a story, a poem, a dialogue, or in whatever format the pupil could devise.

Such a simple idea, intended to make children think about cause and effect and to give them experience in expressing these concepts on paper.

Prompted writing. It's all over the web - collabs, memes, zines...

I regret the passing of (the domain is no longer online). Katie (the owner) had something really special going there. The photos were often breathtaking - I often couldn't come up with a good enough story (imo) to submit, but some of those photos remain lodged in my memory two, three, four years later.

On the other side there is art therapy and its various offshoots: give a person a concept to work with, an idea, a feeling, a fragment of a dream, and have them draw a picture.

explodingdog houses the results of prompted drawing - someone sends in a phrase and the result is a picture.

Meantimes I'm wondering how the artist came up with this.